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psych eval

Posted on Sat Dec 7th, 2024 @ 7:04am by Lieutenant Colonel Savannah Sorrel & Lieutenant Jade Celes-Johnson

1,314 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: New Crew, New Mission
Location: Starbase - Counselling office

Sav decided not to waste any time and get the psych eval out of the way. Jade seemed nice enough so hopefully it would not be so bad. And maybe the other woman could give her some tips on how to work with mad men.

Jade had made her temporary office as comfortable as she liked it to be, a couple of throws and some cushions made it feel a whole lot better than a standard sofa and chairs. Having previously met Savannah she understood how uncomfortable Sav was with Counselling, so she intended to make the Psych evaluation as painless as possible for her. Walking into the outer area of the counselling suite she smiled as she saw Savannah waiting. “Hi Savannah, please come on in.”

She smiled at Jade and followed her in. "It looks nice, Jade." and then took one of the comfy chairs. "Some tea please." Sav said before Jade could offer. She was so used to the routine from watching her dad work at home with patients. Some just preferred not to come to his office and were ok with some kids being underfoot.

“It’s not as I’d like it, but this office is temporary until I get onboard the Iroquois. I like creature comforts, both for me and those visiting.” Jade smiled warmly. “Feel free to use the replicator if you’d like anything.”

"Sure." That had been a misjudgment. Usually counsellors offered to get it for their clients. So Sav got up again and got herself a cup of tea.

“I do normally do that” Jade offered an apologetic smile. “But at the moment it saves me having to keep getting up and down, especially once I get comfortable.”

"Were you reading my mind just now?" Sav asked as she sat down again with her hot cup of tea.

“No, at least not intentionally.” Jade frowned. “Sorry, being pregnant is playing havoc with my senses, I pick up on surface thoughts so easily.”

"Okay, I was just curious as you said something about that when we first met. I have nothing to hide at the moment." She grinned.

“I appreciate that” Jade smiled. “So how are you getting along at the moment? Have you had chance to meet anyone else yet?”

"Yeah." Sav said. "Which makes me think I may have ended up in the loony bin. I met the XO when I boarded and he is the rudest man I have ever met. The captain seemed ok though. But I am a little worried about how the marines will fit in with the XO being such a..." She searched for a suitable word.

“Is he that bad?” Jade was concerned at what she was hearing. “I do have a meeting scheduled with him so no doubt I’ll see for myself.”

"He called me a whore." Sav said. "And refused to believe I was an officer. I was late getting on board so I was in civvies." Jade knew what that looked like.

“A whore!?” Jade shook her head. “That is most definitely not the behaviour expected of an officer of his rank. I will be making note of it, and I’ll be speaking to him about his attitude.”

"It was not what I expected. Thankfully the captain proved very friendly towards marines. I swear if he had been another weirdo I would have up and left just there and then."

“I wouldn’t have blamed you” Jade smiled. “I will be making note in my report but I won’t be naming you as the offended party so don’t worry.”

"I think he will get the hint with the whore thing or maybe not if he goes around calling more women whores." She actually smiled now. "Don't worry too much, I am a marine, I can kick him in the balls if he gets too annoying."

Jade couldn’t help but laugh at that one. “I shouldn’t laugh! I really shouldn’t but I can’t help it!” She grinned.

Sav grinned. "I can take care of myself." She promised.

“Of that I’ve no doubt” Jade smiled warmly. “So now the bit you don’t like. Tell me about your previous Counselling sessions, how have you gotten along with those? Do you feel they’ve benefitted you?”

"I don't really have a problem talking about it. So for years I only had the mandatory psych evals. But after that last mission it was deemed that I needed more counselling and they were probably right. It is a very scary thing to nearly die, or I believe I was clinically dead for about a minute before the medic was able to revive me" Sav still talked about it with some distance. She had seen enough death around her, even in her own family but this one had come a little too close.

Jade nodded. “I don’t pretend to understand what you went through, or how it must feel. I want to understand the effect it’s had on you, I’ve never come that close to death myself and hope I never do.”

"Well..." Sav said composing herself. "It is scary and confronting. It makes you thing about what you have done with your life so far and what you still want to do. And to not wait too long with doing the fun stuff. It was feeling helpless for weeks when they slowly put my body back together that was the worst."

Jade nodded. “I can only imagine, but it’s a testament to your strength of will and perseverance that you’re here now. That’s something to be proud of Savannah. You’ve come back from the proverbial edge of the abyss.”

"Thank you but it was a group effort. I could not have done it without my dads and the rest of my family. Everyone pitched in to help me get through it. And at times I was impossible to be with." She smiled.

“That’s not surprising, I’d have been the same” Jade smiled warmly. “Does what happened to you make you afraid? Give you nightmares or flashbacks?”

"Flashbacks have stopped, I still have the occasional nightmare but not every night and I feel I can handle them. And how it is going to affect me... I guess we will find out. Da says that the real test is in the field. I feel good and I think I am ready to return to duty but I won't know until I am in danger again and that is scary."

Jade nodded as she listened. “That’s understandable, I’d be more worried if it didn’t scare you. Any problems or worries you know where I am, I’m always willing to listen.” She smiled warmly.

"I will be counting on you for that." She said honestly. "I am not like your usual patients, I understand the value of therapy and I won't give you any trouble."

“For that I’m grateful” Jade grinned. “I wish there were others out there who saw the value of Counselling.

"They will. I am sure of it." Savannah said. "And you have got a friend in me if you need it. I know it can be a lonely profession."

Jade nodded. “Thank you Savannah, I appreciate that” she smiled warmly. “I’d best let you get on with your duties.”

"Thanks. Not all my marines are on board yet but it is always a lot of work in the beginning to create an efficient unit. And I am also pulling bridge duty, so more than busy."

Jade nodded. “I’ve no doubt you’ll do just fine” she smiled warmly.

"Thank you, it means a lot." Sav finished her drink and got to her feet. At least this one was done, up to the next evaluation.


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