Specifications - USS Iroquois


Specifications for the Excalibur Class USS Iroquois.


Class Excalibur
Role Deep Space Explorer
Duration 100 Years
Time Between Refits 10 Years
Time Between Resupply 5 Years


Length 865 Meters
Width 423 Meters
Height 151 Meters
Decks 40


Officers 350
Enlisted Crew 640
Marines 40
Civilians 250
Emergency Capacity 15000


Cruise Speed Warp 8
Maximum Speed Warp 9.9
Emergency Speed Warp 9.99 (For 24 Hours)

Weapons & Defensive Systems

Shields - Single Layer Regenerative Shield System, Total Capacity: 3,500,000 TeraJoules
- Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull plus 30cm of Ablative Armor (50cm in some "key" areas)
- High-Level Structural Integrity Field
Weapon Systems - Type XIII Phaser Array (12)
- Pulse Fire Combination Torpedo Launchers (6)
- Type X Phaser Strips (8)
Armament - 250 x Quantum Torpedoes
- 350 x Photon Torpdoes

(Extra Torpedo Warheads are stored in the Armory, and Torpedo Casings can be replicated as needed.)

Auxiliary Craft

Shuttlebays 4
Shuttles - 20 x Type 11 Shuttlecraft
- 11 x Type 9 Shuttlecraft
- 5 x Argo Transport Shuttles
- 9 x Workbee Repair and Maintenance Craft
Runabouts - 5 x 'Delta Flyer' Class Runabouts
- 3 x 'Danube' Class Runabouts