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the note

Posted on Fri Dec 20th, 2024 @ 2:40am by Lieutenant Colonel Savannah Sorrel

232 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Crew, New Mission
Location: Savannah's quarters

It took Savannah a good while to calm down after her second interaction with the first officer. It had gone down just as well as the first one. She threw some punches at the punching bag in her quarters and then willed herself to calm down before writing the note to the captain. Having cooled down she decided to tone it down a bit as well and then hoping for the best.

To: Captain Alexander Johnson
From Lt Colonel Savannah Sorrel


It has come to my attention that it is customary here on the ship for members of the male species to do exercise in the nude in the gym. I appreciate the fact that in some cultures this is the norm and I do not wish to cause cultural clashes. However unfortunately in our day and age abuse still happens and it may be triggering for women to work alongside nude males. And the same may be true the other way round. It also may be intimidating if the nude person is of higher rank. Therefor I request that you enforce an order that clothing must be warn in all communal areas of the ship by all crew at all times.

Yours respectfully,

Lt Colonel S Sorrel

After reading it over another time and correcting some words Savannah was happy with it and hit the sent button on her console.


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