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Mon Dec 16th, 2024 @ 1:37pm

Lieutenant Commander Qual'tez Jones

Name Qual'tez Jones

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human/Klingon
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 6'3"
Weight 220
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown


Father Colonel Tol'ah(Deceased)
Mother Captain Katrina Jones(Deceased)

Personality & Traits

Personal History Qual'tez was born to a Human mother and a Klingon father. Due to his father Tol'ah dying in the Dominion War, he was turned away at birth by his uncle Ah'begh who was now the head of his father's house. He grew up in the Federation with his mother, Katrina Jones who trained him in the ways of his father's people. In 2384, Qual'tez joined Starfleet instead of trying to pursue a career in the Klingon Defense Forces
Service Record 2384-2388 - Starfleet Academy
2388-2390 - Ensign, Security Officer, DS12
2390-2392 - Ltjg., Security Officer, Spectra Shipyards
2392-2394 - Lieutenant, Chief Security Officer, USS Genesis
2394-2397 - Lt. Commander, Chief Security Officer, USS Genesis
2397-PRES - Lt. Commander, Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Iroquois