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Fri Jan 31st, 2025 @ 4:39pm

Commander Onofron Zuir

Name Onofron Mung-Bung Zuir

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Zelonite
Age 44

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"/183cm
Weight 210lbs/95kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Midnight Blue
Physical Description Like all Zelonites, Ono looks like an Andorian with dark hair and no antennae. He is tall and thick. What was once pure muscle has been replaced by the softness of age and desk jockeying.


Father Bonofro Zuir
Mother Pagaya Xylu

Personality & Traits

General Overview Professional hardnose. Ono is by the book to a fault. It has likely hurt as well as helped his career, given his failure to be promoted to captaincy.

Personal History Onofron was fast-tracked by the Academia Magnifique of Zelon toward the upper echelons of social service. A series of high aptitude battery scores throughout his adolescence placed him several standards of deviation above his peers. Starfleet became his second choice in life when he failed to secure a fast-track position in the Civil Engineering Division of the Zelonite government due to suspected nepotism in favor of his rivals. Graduating in 2380, Onofron was stationed at Utopia Planitia until he was called upon to assist in the Romulan evacuation efforts in 2385. Avoiding the Mars Synth incident by mere weeks, he was commended for surviving the attack, as his reassignment had not been finalized.

His next posting was at the ignominious Outpost 99 where he served as an Operations officer alongside an eccentric Vulcan Without Logic named Mrazak. They served together in the sanitation sub-department of the station's operations, likely due to their equally but distinctly unique brands of obnoxiousness. Ono blamed his lack of progress on Ensign Mrazak who was fast and loose with protocols and could never get his name right. Even when they each managed to get better positions on the station and they didn't have to rub shoulders every day, Ono still resented the V'tosh Ka'tur for his cavalier demeanor. By the time Mrazak was transferred away, or possibly even discharged from Starfleet since Ono looked him up without finding any clear record of his present whereabouts, Ono had formed an extremely militant outlook on what it meant to be a Starfleet officer.

In time Ono was made Chief of Operations, at which point he began to distinguish himself to the right people. Ship captains who came and went noticed how tight of a department he ran, which earned him quick notoriety among the various task groups that passed through the outpost. Eventually Ono became known as the Fix It Guy, the one a commanding officer can call upon to shore up a slacking crew without losing morale. His tactics, though in demand, did not earn him any lasting friends but it did shift him from Operations to Command. As a result, he has spent much of his time as acting first officer and even acting captain, even if only for brief spurts before being reassigned.

He is long past due for his own captain's chair and Ono means to earn one even if it kills him.
Service Record 2376-2379: Starfleet Academy

2379-2379: 4th Year Cadet Cruise, Utopia Planitia

2380-2382: Ensign, Operations Officer, Utopia Planitia

2382-2385: Lieutenant JG, Ops Specialist, Utopia Planitia

2385: Lieutenant, Logistics Officer, SCE Rescue Armada

2385-2386: Starfleet Command Certification

2387-2390: Lieutenant Commander, Executive Officer, Deep Space 5

2390-2401: Commander, Executive Officer, numerous postings [see attached]

2401-Present: Commander, Chief Science Officer, USS Iroquois

Commendations/Disciplinary/Service Notes

2379: [Expunged Discommendation]
2385: Starfleet Medal of Valor, Utopia Planitia
2389: Certificate of Merit
2390: Article 15 Nonjudicial Punishment (DS5)
2392: Certificate of Merit
2395: Certificate of Merit
2396: Article 15 Nonjudicial Punishment (USS Surfak)
2397: Article 15 Nonjudicial Punishment (USS Colace)
2399: Starfleet Distinguished Service Medal