Lieutenant JG Kopak Kenishi

Name Kopak Kenishi

Position Operations Officer

Second Position Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 190 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A build that suggests speed and agility


Personality & Traits

General Overview Kopak is reserved to those that don't know him well. Like most raised by Vulcans his life is ruled by logic. Once one gets to know him better small outlets of emotion can be recognized.

Personal History Kopak was mostly raised by his paternal grandparents in Nepal on Earth. His parents both worked for Starfleet Intelligence and while they came home when they could, generally stayed away to prevent the wrong people from finding out about their son.

When Kopak was ten his parents disappeared on an assignment. Once he completed his schooling on Earth, his maternal grandparents wanted Kopak to spend some time with them on Vulcan. While there, he attended the Vulcan Science Academy to further his education and learn more of the Vulcan culture.

He served aboard the Vulcan science vessel Gondolar for two years with exemplary service. At that time he wanted to know about the circumstances of his parents disappearance. He trekked back to Earth and attended Starfleet Academy to follow in their footsteps. Once he graduated, Kopak did everything he could to gain assignments in the area of space that his parents were last seen in hopes of gaining clues to their whereabouts.

Kopak still does not know the truth of what happened to his parents and still does everything he can to discover their ultimate fate.
Service Record Starfleet Service Record:
2399-2403 Starfleet Academy
2403-2403 – USS Kumari - Operations
2403-2405 – Starbase 56 – Operations
2405- assigned to Starbase Pegasus